Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I miss this!

Wow. I did SO GOOD for so many weeks and then just totally crashed and burned. I'm still catching up on just reading my scripture from the last couple weeks. I haven't even considered posting. I feel kind of ok about it because my whole life has been neglected, not just this. And the things that I have spent my time on have been great, like hosting Thanksgiving and spending time with Hugh's kids. But looking back I think that time could have been even better if this had been a part of it. So, tomorrow morning will be my first post in a couple weeks. And hopefully next time life gets real busy, I'll find a way to keep this as a part of it. Back in October when Hugh and I went camping we still got up and read our scripture and it was really a blessing. I hope to remember that and hold on to this. I've really missed it. :-)

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