Friday, November 13, 2009

Each of us for the common good

Job 37, 38
1 Corinthians 12

SOAP - Each of us for the common good

1 Corinthians 12:7 Now to each one the manifestation of the spirit is given for the common good.

Paul is telling the Corinthians that the Lord blesses each of us with gifts of different abilities all to be used for the good of everyone.

We've probably all been part of Bible studies or read stuff about spiritual gifts. I know I have. I could probably use a refresher course. Right now I just like this scripture because I like the idea of working for the common good and I like it that it says "to each one". I'm really not sure what spiritual gift I may have. But for some reason this scripture offers me reassurance that there is something he's wanting me to do, and he's given me what I need to be able to do it. I personally think there are tons of different kinds of spiritual gifts. And maybe some people that have a combination of gifts instead of one in particular. As I said, I really have no idea what mine might be... tempted to think mine varies a good bit. And I'm also tempted to think that the "gifts" I have now are very different than the gifts I had five years ago, and that five years from now, they will have changed again. I know I can't be a pastor's wife and stay as shy as I'd like to. God's already worked on me a lot there and shows no sign of stopping. Anyway, like I said, this scripture is comfort to me in a time when things have been changing a lot in my life. And it's also exciting to know God is working in my life and to think of "working for the common good". I hope my response to his efforts will be good and not resistance.

Dear Lord. Thank you for the work you've done in my life, the work you are doing in my life and all the you have planned. It's kinda crazy to me that you would care about this little random life out there... thanks for that. I pray that you would help me as I try to follow you and learn about the person you want me to be. Amen.

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