Monday, November 16, 2009

Let light shine out of darkness...

SOAP - Let light shine out of darkness

2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who said, "let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

I think Paul is telling about how God has helped them in their ministry.

I think for my this kind of goes along with what I wrote the other day about love. My love is pathetic... God's love is amazing and he helps us share his love with people. In this case I figure without God we just have darkness, but he fills us with light so that we can help each other and share his light and his love. I think I have a bad habit of thinking that every kind thing I do or say has to feel a certain way, like I should always enjoy it and if I'm not enjoying it then I won't bother to do it. But I feel like God wants me to still reach out and try to help someone, still reach out and try to love someone even when my heart feels like it is filled with darkness. He can make his light shine out of the darkness. It might be hard for me. And maybe when I'm not feeling great I'd rather just do nothing, but I know that God is not sitting around waiting for me to be perfect before he can use me. He wants to use all of us right now just the way we are. If we have shortcomings, he's God, he's not gonna have any trouble making up the difference. So what does God want me to be doing? Hmmm... I'll put some thought into that. :-)

Dear Lord, I am often afraid that my efforts will be messed up by any kind of darkness that might be within me. I know that is silly because you can make your light shine out of the darkness. Lord yesterday I heard a great sermon, some other great mini sermons, great music and felt very close to you and lifted by your love. I feel like there were some messages for me throughout the day. And I pray that you would help me see what they were. They are not all clear now, but with some prayer and reflection I think there is great value to be found from yesterday. Lord please help me find that value, your message. Thank you. Amen.

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