Monday, October 12, 2009

Getting going again

Well, I've missed a few days. I've read the scripture every day but not journaled at all. I'm glad I still read it, but I definitely realize that I get a lot more out of it when I do the journal too. I think I even read it differently, maybe pay more attention, if I know I have to write about part of it. Anyway, glad to get going again with this journal after a wonderful little vacation to the mountains.

Nehemiah 7-8
Acts 1

Nehemiah 7:2 I put in charge of Jerusalem my brother Hanani, along with Hananiah the commander of the citadel, because he was a man of integrity and feared God more than most men do.

"Fear of God" was one of the traits that caused Nehemiah to put Hananiah in charge of Jerusalem.

It seems like in life today, no one would put a person in charge of a city because they "feared God more than most men do". I'm not really sure how this scripture applies to me right now. I guess it just caught my attention because of the difference between the reasons Nehemiah used to choose who would be in charge, and the reasons we mostly use today. Thankfully in my life right now there are no major temptations to be "ungodly" in order to get ahead. But I would imagine that in many jobs out there, the desire to be "in charge" leads people to do things they know are wrong. Actually, there is probably some of that going on in my life that I don't even notice. Maybe it's not a desire to be "in charge" (I really have no desire to be a manager at work or anything like that) but just a desire to have what I want from life. I'm sure there are many ways that I'm overlooking what God wants to make sure that I can have what Kristy wants.

Dear Lord, thanks that I can read your word, and even on the days when nothing is clearly speaking to me at first, you can lead me to learn something if I only give it a try. Lord help us all see where you are leading us in life. Maybe we can't see all the details of the life you are creating for us, the people you are leading us to be, but help us see the next right thing to do, the path straight ahead of us. And give us the strength and courage to take it. Thank you Lord. Amen.

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