Thursday, October 1, 2009


Zechariah 7-9
Luke 13

SOAP - Yikes!

Luke 13:28 There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown out.

When the time comes for the decision to be made of whether I make it into heaven or not, it's going to really really suck if I don't. I won't just be whisked away to hell and never really know the difference. Sounds like we'll get a full idea of what we're missing. Yep, it's not gonna be good.

I'm not really sure what this tells me. I've never responded well to people trying to scare me into doing something, or threaten me. If you scare me, chances are that I'm just going to go ahead and give up because it seems hopeless. Obviously I'm not going to give up on loving and serving God, or at least not on purpose. But I wonder if I was really honest with myself, if I'd see that I'm not really trying. I'm pretty sure that even in the moments when I feel the most like I've surrendered everything to God, I'm still holding on to something. I've definitely shown God some resistance lately, ok, more like TONS of resistance. I don't want to be a part of any weeping and gnashing of teeth. Hmmm... perhaps a little fear will help me let go of some of the silly things that I'm holding on to, that are causing me to resist the life he is building for me.

Dear Lord. Hear my prayer please. Forgive me for the doubt I've felt over the last couple days. Lord help me let go of that doubt. Even when it feels like you are asking me to give up something that I love and I am afraid, help me trust you. Dear Lord you are my God. You are my savior. All I have here is nothing without you. All that I love is nothing without you. Thank you for loving me even when I'm rejecting you. Thank you for comforting me even when I'm angry. Lord please bless my efforts to love you and to serve you. Amen.

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