Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Good, but not quite getting through

Job 6-8
Acts 12

All of it.

In Job, I think what is happening is that Job is expressing his anguish and his friends are trying to comfort him. Although one of our study Bibles makes it sound like his friends are kinda being mean and telling him that he must have done something bad for God to do this to him. I guess I can see that in reading it. But mostly I see them telling him to ask God for help. And him refusing and just saying how miserable he is. It reminds me of situations in life now when a friend or family member is unhappy and instead of trying to do something about it they just keep on being unhappy. I think I'm just totally missing something here. I've read Job before and had the same reaction. I just don't get it. It seems like Job fully embraces a bad attitude (with good reason and all... but still, I thought the whole point of the story was that all this bad stuff happened and he kept a good attitude). I think maybe tomorrow I'll read a summary of Job in a study Bible or something and hopefully have the right mindset when I start reading the scripture.

And Acts... I feel like Acts is an important book but it's not quite getting through to me either. I think maybe I'm overly anxious to get to the rest of the new testament. I know there is a lot of good stuff in Acts. But it feels more like a history book. I just don't want to overlook some really good stuff by having my mind closed to an unfamiliar message. I don't it to be like I'm just going through reading the highlighted parts of my Bible and skipping over the rest.

Maybe I'm just distracted in general right now or something. I don't know. But I guess what I'm learning today is that this section of the Bible is going to require a little more effort to get all the good out of it. I think I'll read today's scripture again later today. And tomorrow I'm going to try to allow more time to read so that I can get out more study Bibles and see what some other folks have to say.

Anyway, it may be strange but I'm really excited that this scripture has turned out to be a bit tougher to embrace. I kinda feel like there is a reason God wants me to dig in a bit deeper to learn about Job and Acts. It will be fun. :-)

Dear Lord, thank you so very much for your word. It is beautiful and full of wisdom and guidance for our lives. Thank you for this Bible study. Thank you that studying your word feels like an important part of my daily life. Dear Lord please bless our reading and study of your word. Let it speak to us what we need to hear as we follow you in our days. Thank you Lord! Amen. :-)

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